Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Current Events: Pakistan peace talk

     Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif chaired a meeting of the government's committee formed to hold talks with negotiators representing the banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), during which the committee expressed its inability to carry forward peace talks.

Government Committee

According to a statement issued by the Prime Minister House, the government committee briefed Nawaz Sharif and told him that during the 13-day process of talks several acts of violence took place killing a number of people.
The committee further said that the talks were progressing satisfactorily until the Taliban-claimed blast was carried out in Karachi on Feb 13. The blast had targeted a police bus near Razzaqabad.

Site of Police bus bombed
     One thing we learned so far in World History was about Hitlers peace talks. When he would talk to all the Germans and make his speeches sound good when they were actually bad. There was many acts of violence that took place after Hitlers speeches. The people didn't realize what they were getting themselves into. Hitler and his Nazi's killed many many people.

Hitler talking to his many people

       I related the 13-day process that followed the peace talk in Pakistan. The acts of violence and the killings of many people and linked it with Hitlers "peace talks" and the acts of violence and the killing of people followed as well.
     One of the obvious differences though was that the peace talk in Pakistan was a committee peace talk not a big speech in front of thousands of people like Hitlers was.